“Political Discretion and Antitrust Policy: Evidence from the Assassination of
Papers President McKinley” (with Richard Baker and Carola Frydman), NBER Working
This paper was discussed in:
Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Regulation
"Financial Asset Ownership and Political Partisanship: Liberty Bonds and Republican Electoral Success in the 1920s," (with Wendy Rahn) NBER Working Paper
This paper was discussed on:
Pro-Market Blog
"Banks, Insider Connections, and Industrialization in New England: Evidence from the Panic of 1873," NBER Working Paper
This paper was discussed on:
Pro-Market Blog
"Investment Banks as Corporate Monitors in the Early 20th Century," (with Carola Frydman) American Economic Review.
This paper was discussed in
NBER Digest
LSE Economics Blog
AEA Chart of the Week Blog
"Economic History, Historical Analysis, and the New History of Capitalism," Journal of Economic History
This paper was mentioned in a much discussed article in the
Chronicle of Higher Education
Additionally, some of the arguments in that paper were the focus of my conversation
with David Beckworth in an episode of his Macro Musings Podcast
"Early American Corporations and the State," in Lamoreaux and Novak, eds., The Corporation and American Democracy, Harvard University Press
This chapter was discussed in detail in Charles O'Kelley's review of the volume
on Jotwell
"Incentives in Corporations: Evidence from the American Whaling Industry," Journal of Law and Economics
This paper was discussed in The Economist
This paper was also presented as part of a day-long symposium on the economics
of whaling at the New Bedford Whaling Museum
"Rogue Finance: The Life and Fire Insurance Company and the Panic of 1826," Business History Review
This work was mentioned in a Jason Zweig column in the Wall Street Journal